Short CV
- Short CV

Clive is a barrister and arbitrator. He is ranked by Chambers and Partners as “one of New Zealand’s leading IP silk’s” with a “particular flare when it comes to handling especially complex matters”. Clive is a fellow of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand and a panel member of the Institute’s IP list.He has been a member of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO’s) domain name panel from the outset and has been an expert on the U.S.- based National Arbitration Forum’s domain name panel since 2002. Clive is a formerPresident of the New Zealand Bar Association. He is a past council member of the Legal Practice Division of the International Bar Association (IBA), a past chair of the Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Committee of the IBA and a past president of the Intellectual Property Society of Australia and NewZealand (IPSANZ).
He was also convenor of the Intellectual Property Committee of the New Zealand Law Society for a period of 10 years and remains a member of the Intellectual Property Committee.
He is a co-author of the Lexis Nexis loose-leaf texts: Copyright and Design; and Patents and Trade Marks. He is a frequent writer and commentator on IP and information technology issues and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Intellectual Property Forum. He is named in the International Who’s Who of Patent Lawyers, the International Who’s Who of Internet & E-Commerce Lawyers and the World Trademark Review’s World’s Leading Trademark Professionals.