“Hold On!”, is relief finally coming?

It’s unbelievable that someone running for the office of President of the USA can so blatantly, and seemingly with impunity, use artists copyright works against their wishes. In the case of Isaac Hayes’ estate, they are alleging that Trump misused one of Hayes’s signature songs “Hold On, I’m Coming” – undoubtedly a great song for […]
Dotcom’s extradition continues to attract overseas attention
Now that the Minister of Justice, Paul Goldsmith, has signed Kim Dotcom’s extradition order https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/justice-minister-signs-kim-dotcoms-extradition-order/ZIO7RHMUS5B3NCKUEW4QH5C4V4/#google_vignette there is renewed interest in the case, particularly from overseas. A number of commentators are comparing his situation to the one Julian Assange faced, something I discuss in a recent interview with the Abu Dhabi-based news agency, Viory. Check it out here:https://www.viory.video/en/videos/a3007_19082024